This Occasion Packs offer the perfect signature cocktails for your signature occasions! Three specially selected 1pt Infusion Blends form the basis for a range of simple, all-natural cocktails perfect for your next Backyard BBQ.
Additional Details:
- Each of the 3 selected 1pt infusion blend packets will infuse half of a standard bottle of tequila (375ml) in just a few hours for 6+ gourmet cocktails (18+ in total).
- As always, just accent your infused spirit with one or two “kitchen pantry" finishers and you're ready to serve.
- Simple recipe booklet included.
- Included: 1 Chili Blend – notes of salty Sencha, zesty citrus, and mouth-tingling chili
- 1 Smoky Blend – a matrix of layered black teas offset by ethereal bergamot
- 1Rossa Blend – combines tangy hibiscus and luxurious bitter Mediterranean citrus
- 1 Backyard BBQ Cocktail Recipe Booklet